Waiting for Your Security Deposit in the UAE: What to Do If It’s Taking Longer Than Expected

Moving out of an apartment in the UAE can be both exciting and a bit nerve-wracking, especially when it comes to getting your security deposit back.

If you find yourself in a situation where it’s been 30 days since you moved out and haven’t received your security deposit, it’s natural to feel concerned.

Here’s what you can do to speed up the process.

Understanding the Situation

First things first, let’s address the situation at hand. You’ve moved out of your apartment, the agent checked everything before you left, and you’re patiently waiting for your security deposit to be returned. However, you’ve hit the 30-day mark, and there’s no sign of the deposit. It’s worth noting that while many landlords and property managers in the UAE aim to return security deposits promptly, there can be various reasons for delays.

The Normal Timeframe

The normal timeframe for returning security deposits in the UAE is 30 days after the tenant vacates the property. This is stipulated in the Rental Law №26 of 2007. However, there may be some extenuating circumstances that could delay the process, such as:

  • The landlord is waiting for the results of an inspection to determine if there is any damage to the property.
  • The landlord is waiting for a quote from a contractor to repair any damage.
  • The landlord is disputing the amount of damage to the tenant.

Steps to Speed Up the Process

While waiting can be frustrating, there are a few steps you can take to speed up the process potentially:

  1. Send a written notice to the landlord requesting the return of the security deposit. The notice should be sent by registered mail with a return receipt. This will create a paper trail and help to prove that you have made a timely request for the return of your deposit.
  2. If the landlord does not respond to the notice within 15 days, file a complaint with the Rental Disputes Committee.

The Rental Disputes Committee is a free service that is available to all tenants in the UAE. The committee will investigate the matter and issue a ruling within 15 days. If the landlord is found to be in breach of the Rental Law, they will be ordered to return the security deposit to the tenant, plus interest.

Stay Patient, Stay Polite

While waiting for your security deposit can be frustrating, it’s essential to remain patient and polite throughout the process. Most landlords and property managers in the UAE want to maintain good relationships with tenants and ensure a smooth transition.

By staying proactive and following the steps mentioned above, you can increase the chances of expediting the return of your security deposit.

Remember, each situation is unique, and there might be valid reasons for the delay.

However, your proactive approach can demonstrate your seriousness about getting the matter resolved and encourage a timely response.

Written By: Ashar Iqbal Published On: 30 August 2023

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